{"id":298356,"student_id":10,"content":"{\"html\":\"\u003c!DOCTYPE html\u003e\\n\u003chtml lang=\\\"en\\\"\u003e\\n\\n\u003chead\u003e\\n \u003cmeta charset=\\\"UTF-8\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cmeta http-equiv=\\\"X-UA-Compatible\\\" content=\\\"IE=edge\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cmeta name=\\\"viewport\\\" content=\\\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\\\"\u003e\\n \u003ctitle\u003eDocument\u003c/title\u003e\\n \u003clink rel=\\\"stylesheet\\\" href=\\\"https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.3/css/bootstrap.min.css\\\"\u003e\\n \u003clink rel=\\\"stylesheet\\\" href=\\\"css/index.css\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cscript src=\\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js\\\"\u003e\u003c/script\u003e\\n\u003c/head\u003e\\n\\n\u003cbody\u003e\\n \u003cdiv id=\\\"game\\\" class=\\\"container text-center p-5\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cdiv class=\\\"grid\\\"\u003e\\n \u003ctemplate v-for=\\\"(row, y) in grid\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cdiv v-for=\\\"(col, x) in row\\\" @click=\\\"click(x, y)\\\" class=\\\"cell\\\" :class=\\\"cellClass(x, y)\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"b_advisor.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'b_advisor'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"b_cannon.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'b_cannon'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"b_chariot.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'b_chariot'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"b_elephant.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'b_elephant'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"b_general.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'b_general'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"b_horse.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'b_horse'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"b_pawn.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'b_pawn'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"r_advisor.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'r_advisor'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"r_cannon.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'r_cannon'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"r_chariot.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'r_chariot'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"r_elephant.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'r_elephant'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"r_general.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'r_general'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"r_horse.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'r_horse'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"r_pawn.svg\\\" v-if=\\\"col === 'r_pawn'\\\"\u003e\\n \u003c/div\u003e\\n \u003c/template\u003e\\n \u003cimg src=\\\"./board.png\\\" class=\\\"board\\\" alt=\\\"\\\"\u003e\\n \u003c/div\u003e\\n \u003cp class=\\\"font-weight-bold\\\"\u003e{{message}}\u003c/p\u003e\\n \u003cp class=\\\"font-weight-bold\\\"\u003eturn {{chess.turn}} status {{chess.status}}\u003c/p\u003e\\n \u003cbutton class=\\\"mb-3\\\" @click=\\\"runAI\\\"\u003e{{chess.turn === 'w' ? 'White' : 'Black'}} AI\u003c/button\u003e\\n \u003cbutton class=\\\"mb-3\\\" @click=\\\"undo\\\"\u003eundo\u003c/button\u003e\\n \u003cselect class=\\\"mb-2 form-control\\\" v-model=\\\"depth\\\"\u003e\\n \u003coption value=\\\"1\\\"\u003e1\u003c/option\u003e\\n \u003coption value=\\\"2\\\"\u003e2\u003c/option\u003e\\n \u003coption value=\\\"3\\\"\u003e3\u003c/option\u003e\\n \u003coption value=\\\"4\\\"\u003e4\u003c/option\u003e\\n \u003coption value=\\\"5\\\"\u003e5\u003c/option\u003e\\n \u003coption value=\\\"6\\\"\u003e6\u003c/option\u003e\\n \u003coption value=\\\"7\\\"\u003e7\u003c/option\u003e\\n \u003c/select\u003e\\n \u003ctable class=\\\"table table-striped\\\"\u003e\\n \u003ctr\u003e\\n \u003cth\u003e#\u003c/th\u003e\\n \u003cth\u003ecost\u003c/th\u003e\\n \u003cth\u003edepth\u003c/th\u003e\\n \u003c/tr\u003e\\n \u003ctr v-for=\\\"(log, idx) in logs\\\"\u003e\\n \u003ctd\u003e{{idx + 1}}\u003c/td\u003e\\n \u003ctd\u003e{{log.cost/1000}}s\u003c/td\u003e\\n \u003ctd\u003e{{log.depth}}\u003c/td\u003e\\n \u003c/tr\u003e\\n \u003c/table\u003e\\n \u003c/div\u003e\\n\u003c/body\u003e\\n\\n\u003c/html\u003e\",\"css\":\":root {\\n --size: 60px;\\n}\\n\\n.grid {\\n position: relative;\\n margin: auto;\\n width: calc(var(--size) * 9);\\n height: calc(var(--size) * 10);\\n display: grid;\\n grid-template-columns: repeat(9, 1fr);\\n border: 2px solid black;\\n transition: transform 1.5s;\\n}\\n\\n.grid \u003e div {\\n position: relative;\\n}\\n\\n.grid \u003e div \u003e img {\\n width: 85%;\\n height: 85%;\\n top: 7.5%;\\n left: 7.5%;\\n display: block;\\n position: absolute;\\n transition: transform 1.5s;\\n z-index: 1;\\n}\\n\\n.cell.blue::after {\\n content: '';\\n display: block;\\n width: 100%;\\n height: 100%;\\n z-index: inherit;\\n border-radius: 50%;\\n background-color: blue;\\n}\\n\\n.cell.red::after {\\n content: '';\\n display: block;\\n width: 100%;\\n height: 100%;\\n z-index: inherit;\\n border-radius: 50%;\\n background-color: red;\\n}\\n\\n.board {\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 0;\\n left: 0;\\n right: 0;\\n bottom: 0;\\n width: 100%;\\n height: 100%;\\n z-index: -1;\\n}\",\"js\":\"class Chess {\\n\\n constructor() {\\n\\n this.status = 'playing' // 'playing', 'white win', 'black win'\\n this.turn = 'r' // 'b', 'r'\\n this.logs = []\\n this.grid = {\\n 0: { 0: 'b_chariot', 1: 'b_horse', 2: 'b_elephant', 3: 'b_advisor', 4: 'b_general', 5: 'b_advisor', 6: 'b_elephant', 7: 'b_horse', 8: 'b_chariot' },\\n 1: { 0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '' },\\n 2: { 0: '', 1: 'b_cannon', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: 'b_cannon', 8: '' },\\n 3: { 0: 'b_pawn', 1: '', 2: 'b_pawn', 3: '', 4: 'b_pawn', 5: '', 6: 'b_pawn', 7: '', 8: 'b_pawn' },\\n 4: { 0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '' },\\n 5: { 0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '' },\\n 6: { 0: 'r_pawn', 1: '', 2: 'r_pawn', 3: '', 4: 'r_pawn', 5: '', 6: 'r_pawn', 7: '', 8: 'r_pawn' },\\n 7: { 0: '', 1: 'r_cannon', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: 'r_cannon', 8: '' },\\n 8: { 0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '' },\\n 9: { 0: 'r_chariot', 1: 'r_horse', 2: 'r_elephant', 3: 'r_advisor', 4: 'r_general', 5: 'r_advisor', 6: 'r_elephant', 7: 'r_horse', 8: 'r_chariot' },\\n }\\n }\\n\\n clone() {\\n let virtualChess = new Chess()\\n virtualChess.turn = this.turn\\n virtualChess.logs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.logs))\\n virtualChess.grid = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.grid))\\n return virtualChess\\n }\\n\\n move(fromX, fromY, toX, toY) {\\n if (this.status !== 'playing') return\\n if (this.grid[fromY][fromX][0] !== this.turn) return\\n\\n if (this.grid[toY][toX] == 'b_general') this.status = 'red win'\\n if (this.grid[toY][toX] == 'r_general') this.status = 'black win'\\n\\n this._move(fromX, fromY, toX, toY)\\n this.switch()\\n\\n if (3 \u003c= fromX \u0026\u0026 fromX \u003c= 5 \u0026\u0026 this._isGeneralMetGeneral()) {\\n this.status = this.turn === 'b' ? 'black win' : 'red win'\\n }\\n }\\n\\n undo() {\\n if (this.logs.length == 0) return\\n let lastMod = this.logs.pop()\\n while (lastMod.length \u003e 0) {\\n let mod = lastMod.pop()\\n if (mod[0] === 'remove') this.grid[mod[1]][mod[2]] = mod[3]\\n if (mod[0] === 'create') this.grid[mod[1]][mod[2]] = ''\\n }\\n this.switch()\\n this.status = 'playing'\\n }\\n\\n switch() {\\n this.turn = this.turn === 'b' ? 'r' : 'b'\\n }\\n\\n getReachedBlock(fromX, fromY) {\\n let from = this.grid[fromY][fromX]\\n if (from === '' || from[0] !== this.turn || this.status !== 'playing') return []\\n\\n switch (from.split('_')[1]) {\\n case 'general': return this._general(fromX, fromY)\\n case 'advisor': return this._advisor(fromX, fromY)\\n case 'chariot': return this._chariot(fromX, fromY)\\n case 'elephant': return this._elephant(fromX, fromY)\\n case 'horse': return this._horse(fromX, fromY)\\n case 'cannon': return this._cannon(fromX, fromY)\\n case 'pawn': return this._pawn(fromX, fromY)\\n }\\n }\\n\\n _general(x, y) {\\n let steps = [\\n { x: x + 0, y: y - 1 },\\n { x: x - 1, y: y + 0 },\\n { x: x + 1, y: y + 0 },\\n { x: x + 0, y: y + 1 },\\n ]\\n return steps.filter(this._isInField).filter(this._isCover)\\n }\\n\\n _advisor(x, y) {\\n let steps = [\\n { x: x + 1, y: y + 1 },\\n { x: x + 1, y: y - 1 },\\n { x: x - 1, y: y - 1 },\\n { x: x - 1, y: y + 1 },\\n ]\\n return steps.filter(this._isInField).filter(this._isCover)\\n }\\n\\n _elephant(x, y) {\\n let steps = [\\n { x: x + 2, y: y + 2 },\\n { x: x + 2, y: y - 2 },\\n { x: x - 2, y: y - 2 },\\n { x: x - 2, y: y + 2 },\\n ]\\n return steps\\n .filter(this._isInRange)\\n .filter(this._isInSite)\\n .filter(this._isCover)\\n }\\n\\n _chariot(fromX, fromY) {\\n return this._line(fromX, fromY, 0, 1, true)\\n .concat(this._line(fromX, fromY, 1, 0, true))\\n .concat(this._line(fromX, fromY, 0, -1, true))\\n .concat(this._line(fromX, fromY, -1, 0, true))\\n }\\n\\n _horse(fromX, fromY) {\\n let steps = [\\n { x: fromX + 2, y: fromY + 1 },\\n { x: fromX + 2, y: fromY - 1 },\\n { x: fromX - 2, y: fromY + 1 },\\n { x: fromX - 2, y: fromY - 1 },\\n { x: fromX + 1, y: fromY + 2 },\\n { x: fromX + 1, y: fromY - 2 },\\n { x: fromX - 1, y: fromY + 2 },\\n { x: fromX - 1, y: fromY - 2 },\\n ]\\n return steps.filter(this._isInRange).filter(this._isCover)\\n }\\n\\n _cannon = (fromX, fromY) =\u003e {\\n return this._line(fromX, fromY, 0, 1)\\n .concat(this._line(fromX, fromY, 1, 0))\\n .concat(this._line(fromX, fromY, 0, -1))\\n .concat(this._line(fromX, fromY, -1, 0))\\n .concat(this._jump(fromX, fromY, 0, 1))\\n .concat(this._jump(fromX, fromY, 1, 0))\\n .concat(this._jump(fromX, fromY, 0, -1))\\n .concat(this._jump(fromX, fromY, -1, 0))\\n }\\n\\n _pawn = (x, y) =\u003e {\\n let isCrossRiver = this.turn === 'b' ? y \u003e 4 : y \u003c 5\\n let steps = [{ x, y: y + (this.turn === 'b' ? 1 : -1) }]\\n if (isCrossRiver) {\\n steps.push({ x: x + 1, y })\\n steps.push({ x: x - 1, y })\\n }\\n return steps.filter(this._isInRange)\\n }\\n\\n _move(fromX, fromY, toX, toY) {\\n this.logs.push([\\n ['remove', fromY, fromX, this.grid[fromY][fromX]],\\n ['remove', toY, toX, this.grid[toY][toX]],\\n ['create', toY, toX, this.grid[fromY][fromX]],\\n ])\\n this.grid[toY][toX] = this.grid[fromY][fromX]\\n this.grid[fromY][fromX] = ''\\n }\\n\\n _isCover = (pos) =\u003e {\\n return this.grid[pos.y][pos.x] === '' || this.grid[pos.y][pos.x][0] !== this.turn\\n }\\n\\n _isInRange = (pos) =\u003e {\\n return pos.x \u003e= 0 \u0026\u0026 pos.x \u003c 9 \u0026\u0026 pos.y \u003e= 0 \u0026\u0026 pos.y \u003c 10\\n }\\n\\n _isInSite = (pos) =\u003e {\\n return this.turn === 'b' ? pos.y \u003c= 4 : pos.y \u003e= 5\\n }\\n\\n _isInField = (pos) =\u003e {\\n if (this.turn === 'b' \u0026\u0026 pos.y \u003e= 3) return\\n if (this.turn === 'r' \u0026\u0026 pos.y \u003c= 6) return\\n return pos.x \u003e= 3 \u0026\u0026 pos.x \u003c= 5 \u0026\u0026 this._isInRange(pos)\\n }\\n\\n _line = (fromX, fromY, offsetX, offsetY, isChariot) =\u003e {\\n const steps = []\\n for (let i = 1; i \u003c 10; i++) {\\n const x = fromX + offsetX * i\\n const y = fromY + offsetY * i\\n if (!this._isInRange({ x, y })) break\\n if (this.grid[y][x] === '') steps.push({ x, y })\\n if (isChariot \u0026\u0026 this.grid[y][x][0] !== this.turn) steps.push({ x, y })\\n if (this.grid[y][x] !== '') break\\n }\\n return steps\\n }\\n\\n _jump = (fromX, fromY, offsetX, offsetY) =\u003e {\\n let count = 0\\n let steps = []\\n for (let i = 1; i \u003c 10; i++) {\\n const x = fromX + offsetX * i\\n const y = fromY + offsetY * i\\n if (!this._isInRange({ x, y })) break\\n if (this.grid[y][x] !== '') count++\\n if (count === 2 \u0026\u0026 this.grid[y][x][0] !== this.turn) steps.push({ x, y })\\n if (count === 2) break\\n }\\n return steps\\n }\\n\\n _isGeneralMetGeneral = () =\u003e {\\n let startChecking = false\\n for (let x = 3; x \u003c= 5; x++) {\\n for (let y = 0; y \u003c 10; y++) {\\n let isGneral = this.grid[y][x] === 'b_general' || this.grid[y][x] === 'r_general'\\n if (startChecking === false \u0026\u0026 isGneral) {\\n startChecking = true\\n continue\\n }\\n if (startChecking === true) {\\n if (isGneral) return true\\n if (this.grid[y][x] || y === 9) return false\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n return false\\n }\\n}\\n\\nconst chess = new Chess\\n\\nnew Vue({\\n el: '#game',\\n\\n data() {\\n return {\\n chess,\\n grid: chess.grid,\\n black: false,\\n depth: 4,\\n message: 'Player first. Press the button to exchange.',\\n focusOn: {},\\n board: { 0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6: {}, 7: {}, 8: {}, 9: {} },\\n logs: [],\\n }\\n },\\n\\n methods: {\\n click(x, y) {\\n x = Number(x)\\n y = Number(y)\\n\\n if (this.focusOn.x === undefined) {\\n this.chess.getReachedBlock(x, y).forEach(pos =\u003e {\\n this.board[pos.x][pos.y] = true\\n })\\n this.focusOn = { x, y }\\n } else if (this.board[x][y]) {\\n this.chess.move(this.focusOn.x, this.focusOn.y, x, y)\\n this.clear()\\n this.runAI()\\n } else {\\n this.clear()\\n }\\n },\\n\\n undo () {\\n this.chess.undo()\\n },\\n\\n cellClass(x, y) {\\n if (x == this.focusOn.x \u0026\u0026 y == this.focusOn.y) return 'blue'\\n return this.board[x][y] ? 'red' : ''\\n },\\n\\n clear() {\\n this.focusOn = {}\\n this.board = { 0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6: {}, 7: {}, 8: {}, 9: {} }\\n },\\n\\n runAI() {\\n this.clear()\\n this.message = 'thinking...'\\n \\n let startTime = Date.now()\\n if (window.AI !== undefined) window.AI(this.chess.turn, this.depth)\\n let costTime = Date.now() - startTime\\n \\n this.message = 'Cost: ' + (costTime / 1000) + 'sec'\\n this.logs.push({ cost: costTime, depth: this.depth })\\n if (this.chess.status !== 'playing') this.message = this.chess.status\\n }\\n }\\n})\"}","created_at":"2021-09-17T20:25:29.294+08:00","updated_at":"2021-09-23T17:47:51.861+08:00","name":"象棋","language":"web","screenshot":{"url":null},"parent_id":3,"plugin":"","description":null,"note":null,"status":"public","like_student_ids":[],"is_featured":false,"views":167,"hashid":"wdks4eme8","is_content_changed":false,"review_status":"unsubmitted","submitted_at":null,"reviewed_at":null,"advise":null,"is_deleted":false}
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